Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Quality CTE programs and related career pathways and guidance programs with P-20 orientation are essential for all students. Youth need workplace skills as well as awareness and focus to increase not only the likelihood that they will be prepared for their careers, but also that school will be relevant to what is next.

Learning Objectives

The learner will explain the impact of career and technology education on graduation rates.

The learner will explore at least one career and technology education program and analyze its components based on a provided rubric.

The learner will explain how CTE programs are essential to providing quality college and career preparation to students.

The learner will design the ideal career and technology education program for a local community based on available data and local industry needs.

The learner will explore 3 potential funding sources for their ideal career and technology education program.

Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

Est. Time: 02:450hrs

Introduction: Play Video