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  • Contains 6 Product(s)

    National Dropout Prevention Center’s 15 Effective Strategies to increasing the graduation rate are based on the center’s 30 years of research. Recognized nationally and internationally, these strategies, when applied in a strategic manner, have increased graduation rates in districts around the country. This course provides an overview and introduction to those 15 strategies. Shorter courses providing a deeper dive into the key implementation considerations for each of the strategies is also available through NDPC’s website:

    National Dropout Prevention Center’s 15 Effective Strategies to increasing the graduation rate are based on the center’s 30 years of research. Recognized nationally and internationally, these strategies, when applied in a strategic manner, have increased graduation rates in districts around the country. This course provides an overview and introduction to those 15 Effective Strategies

    Learning Objectives
    The learner will explain how the 15 strategies work together to increase the graduation rate.

    The learner will explain why having the Foundational Strategies in place are important to the success of the other strategies.

    The learner will give examples of each of the 15 strategies.

    The learner will rate the success of his/her school or district with implementation of the 15 strategies.

    The learner will determine some specific key elements in the successful implementation of each strategy.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 05:00 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Active learning embraces teaching and learning strategies that engage and involve students in the learning process. Students find new and creative ways to solve problems, achieve success, and become lifelong learners when educators show them that there are different ways to learn.

    Active learning embraces teaching and learning strategies that engage and involve students in the learning process. Students find new and creative ways to solve problems, achieve success, and become lifelong learners when educators show them that there are different ways to learn.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will differentiate between active learning and passive learning by citing characteristics of both.

    The learner will create a 1–2-minute video demonstrating active learning in a classroom setting.

    The learner will design a classroom in which active learning is the norm and explain their design.

    The learner will redesign a lesson plan containing passive learning activities to one utilizing active learning activities.

    The learner will explain how active learning prepares students to be college and career ready upon graduation.

    The learner will explain how active learning in classrooms increases a school’s graduation rate.

    Course Info

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:50 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Many schools provide after-school, before-school, or summer options for academic, enhancement, and enrichment during which students benefit from tutoring, credit recovery, and support. These options are often high-interest options of learning and discovery for students and fill the “gap time” during which much learning can be lost. Such experiences are especially important for at-risk students because the time is filled with constructive and engaging activities and/or needed academic support.

    Many schools provide after-school, before-school, or summer options for academic, enhancement, and enrichment during which students benefit from tutoring, credit recovery, and support. These options are often high-interest options of learning and discovery for students and fill the “gap time” during which much learning can be lost. Such experiences are especially important for at-risk students because the time is filled with constructive and engaging activities and/or needed academic support.

    Learning Objectives
    The learner will explain how availability and quality of after-school/out-of-school opportunities can impact graduation rates.

    The learner will provide examples of at least 10 kinds of after-school/out-of-school opportunities.

    The learner will differentiate between effective and ineffective characteristics of after-school/out-of-school opportunities.

    The learner will utilize the components of effective after-school/out-of-school programs to analyze an existing model program.

    The learner will consider the needs within his/her own community and develop a high-quality after-school/out-of-school program to address them.

    The learner will explain how an effective after-school/out-of-school program can include principal elements from K-12 curriculum (STEM, college and career readiness, literacy, social-emotional skills) as part of their programming.

    The learner will identify possible funding sources utilized by after-school/out-of-school programs.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:45 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Alternative schooling does meet the variety of student and family needs and the social behaviors required for youth in today’s world. Alternative schooling also offers school and community leaders the opportunity to fulfill their legal responsibility to provide equal access to education for all students.

    Alternative schooling does meet the variety of student and family needs and the social behaviors required for youth in today’s world. Alternative schooling also offers school and community leaders the opportunity to fulfill their legal responsibility to provide equal access to education for all students.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain how the use of alternative schools impacts the dropout rate.

    The learner will identify at least 3 different types of alternative schools and their purposes in educating youth.

    The learner will identify characteristics of high quality alternative education schools.

    The learner will examine at least one alternative school for key characteristics that make it successful.

    The learner will design a high quality alternative school.

    The learner will identify the benefits and barriers associated with implementing an alternative school.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:30hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Quality CTE programs and related career pathways and guidance programs with P-20 orientation are essential for all students. Youth need workplace skills as well as awareness and focus to increase not only the likelihood that they will be prepared for their careers, but also that school will be relevant to what is next.

    Quality CTE programs and related career pathways and guidance programs with P-20 orientation are essential for all students. Youth need workplace skills as well as awareness and focus to increase not only the likelihood that they will be prepared for their careers, but also that school will be relevant to what is next.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain the impact of career and technology education on graduation rates.

    The learner will explore at least one career and technology education program and analyze its components based on a provided rubric.

    The learner will explain how CTE programs are essential to providing quality college and career preparation to students.

    The learner will design the ideal career and technology education program for a local community based on available data and local industry needs.

    The learner will explore 3 potential funding sources for their ideal career and technology education program.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:450hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Birth-to-five interventions demonstrate that providing a child additional enrichment can enhance brain development. The most effective way to reduce the number of children who will ultimately drop out is to provide the best possible classroom instruction from the beginning of their school experience through the primary grades.

    Birth-to-five interventions demonstrate that providing a child additional enrichment can enhance brain development. The most effective way to reduce the number of children who will ultimately drop out is to provide the best possible classroom instruction from the beginning of their school experience through the primary grades.

    Learning Objectives

    Learner will identify specific strategies that enhance brain development in children from birth to five years of age.

    Learner will identify five effective strategies that enhance classroom instruction to decrease dropout rates. 

    Learner will create a successful program using best practices identified through research.

    Learner will define Early Childhood Education and explain how the strategy impacts dropout rates.

    Learner will create one example of the effective use of the strategy.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:450hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Early literacy interventions to help low-achieving students improve their reading and writing skills establish the necessary foundation for effective learning in all other subjects. Literacy development focus should continue P-12.

    Early literacy interventions to help low-achieving students improve their reading and writing skills establish the necessary foundation for effective learning in all other subjects. Literacy development focus should continue P-12.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain why early literacy development is important to the development of general reading skills.

    The learner will create a literacy program based on best practices and elements of a high-quality literacy program.

    The learner will identify components of high-quality early literacy programs.

    The learner will investigate examples of community and corporate-supported early literacy programs that contribute to increased graduation rates.

    The learner will explain how early literacy development impacts school graduation rates.

    The learner will investigate literacy development opportunities for non-English speaking students regardless of age.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 03:20 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Instructional technology can effectively enhance and transform teaching and learning while engaging students in meaningful, current, and authentic efforts; addressing multiple intelligences, and adapting to students’ learning styles. Technology can be utilized to differentiate and individualize instruction based on specific student needs. The effective use of technology also includes transformational teaching approaches such as flipped and blended learning as appropriate. These approaches further prepare students for college and careers that will require them to acquire information to make decisions and solve problems.

    Instructional technology can effectively enhance and transform teaching and learning while engaging students in meaningful, current, and authentic efforts; addressing multiple intelligences, and adapting to students’ learning styles. Technology can be utilized to differentiate and individualize instruction based on specific student needs. The effective use of technology also includes transformational teaching approaches such as flipped and blended learning as appropriate. These approaches further prepare students for college and careers that will require them to acquire information to make decisions and solve problems.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain how utilizing technology to enhance instruction and engage students can impact the graduation rate.

    The learner will transform a mundane lesson plan into an engaging one with at least one educational technology tool or app.

    The learner will address a chosen technology implementation barrier by proposing a solution.

    The learner will choose a technology app that enhances student engagement, utilize it in the classroom, and reflect on the observed student engagement impact.

    The learner will create a plan to continue learning and using one educational technology tool or app every two months that will positively impact student engagement.

    The learner will illustrate and explain SAMR and its importance in utilizing educational technology in the classroom.

    The learner will explain how blended and flipped learning can benefit student engagement and academic achievement.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:30 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Research consistently finds that family engagement has a direct, positive effect on youth’s achievement and is one of the most accurate predictors of a student’s success in school. Critical elements of this type of collaboration rely on effective, ongoing, and multi-dimensional, two-way communication as well as ongoing needs assessments and responsive family supports and interventions.

    Research consistently finds that family engagement has a direct, positive effect on youth’s achievement and is one of the most accurate predictors of a student’s success in school. Critical elements of this type of collaboration rely on effective, ongoing, and multi-dimensional, two-way communication as well as ongoing needs assessments and responsive family supports and interventions.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain how family engagement impacts graduation rates.

    The learner will cite at least 3 examples of high quality family engagement.

    The learner will identify a typical barrier to family engagement and develop or locate a solution for the barrier listed.

    The learner will identify effective and ineffective family engagement strategies being utilized in a local school district and analyze why they are not effective.

    The learner will create a video explaining to parents several ways to engage in their student’s learning.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:45 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    Well implemented mentoring and tutoring programs have worked wonders for many students to put them back on track for graduation. Find out how you can implement a high-quality program for struggling students who may easily derail to dropout status.

    Well implemented mentoring and tutoring programs have worked wonders for many students to put them back on track for graduation. Find out how you can implement a high-quality program for struggling students who may easily derail to dropout status.

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will explain how an effective mentoring/tutoring program can impact graduation rates.

    The learner will investigate 2 different mentoring/tutoring programs and compare/contrast them with essential program elements.

    The learner will create a job description for the ideal candidate to operate and manage a new mentoring/tutoring program. The learner will create a job description for the ideal candidate to operate and manage a new mentoring/tutoring program.

    The learner will design the ultimate mentoring/tutoring program for a local community or school based on available state testing data within a provided budget.

    The learner will design and arrange a room to house an ideal mentoring/tutoring program.

    The learner will design a rubric to use in measuring the quality of their mentoring/tutoring program.

    Instructed By: Dr. Sandy Addis

    Est. Time: 02:45 hrs

    Introduction: Play Video