Key Implementation Considerations- Safe Learning Environments
Dr. Sandy Addis Director, National Dropout Prevention Center
Cite key implementation considerations about your center and how you plan to address them.
Benefits & Barriers of Implementation
Read & Watch Lesson to continue.
Read & Watch Lesson to continue.
Key Components of a Safe Learning Environment- Assignment 1
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Upload 1 files to pass.
Your district honors school choice. A group of new students has just transferred into the area and they are looking for a great school to attend. Your school could use a few extra football players, as well as more students as you are anticipating a decreasing population in the next school year. Create a flyer to advertise your safe learning environment and why it would appeal to them. Upload it here.
Model Programs Database
Select the "Search Database" button to begin.
Select the "Search Database" button to begin.
One of the best ways to consider the kinds of adjustments you may want to make to your own learning environment is to examine existing models.
Once you have opened this link, select Safe Learning Environment from the Strategy list, then search for a model program that interests you. Read all about the program and complete the questions in the next assignment based on what you have learned about the model program you chose.
Models of Safe Learning Environments–Questions
2 Questions
2 Questions
One of the best ways to consider the kinds of adjustments you may want to make to your own learning environment is to examine existing models.
Go to the NDPC Model Programs Database. Once you have opened this link, select the Choose Filter drop-down and select Effective Strategies Utilized and then Safe Learning Environments from the drop-down, then select a model program from the results list that interests you. Read all about the program and complete the information below based on what you have learned about the model program you chose.
National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program- Learn More
Select the "Learn More" button to begin.
Select the "Learn More" button to begin.
15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention- Solutions Broadcast
Recorded 03/11/2019
Recorded 03/11/2019