Key Implementation Considerations- Systemic Approach
Dr. Sandy Addis Director, National Dropout Prevention Center
Cite key implementation considerations about your center and how you plan to address them.
Benefits & Barriers of Implementation
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Read & Watch Lesson to continue.
Model Programs Database
Select the "Search Database" button to begin.
Select the "Search Database" button to begin.
Utilize the Model Schools area of the National Dropout Prevention Center website. Search for a model example of an applied systemic approach example that may have elements you could utilize in your own school/district.
Model Examples of Successful Systemic Approach Implementations–Questions
5 Questions
5 Questions
Go to the NDPC Model Programs Database. Search for a model example of an applied systemic approach example that may have elements you could utilize in your own school/district.
National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program- Learn More
Select the "Learn More" button to begin.
Select the "Learn More" button to begin.
15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention- Solutions Broadcast
Recorded 03/11/2019
Recorded 03/11/2019