Dr. Sandy Addis Director, National Dropout Prevention Center
Cite key implementation considerations about your setting and how you plan to address them.
Benefits & Barriers of Implementation
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Model Programs Database
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Select the "Search Database" button to begin.
Search for 3 model programs under Educational Technology that interest you. Read all about the programs and complete the information below based on what you have learned about the model program you chose. To search, select search The Model Programs Database. Next, select Choose Filter and select Effective Strategies Utilized. Finally, select the Educational Technology strategy from the menu.
15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention Overview PDF
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Open to download resource.
15 Effective Strategies for Dropout Prevention- Solutions Broadcast
Recorded 03/11/2019
Recorded 03/11/2019
National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program- Learn More
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Select the "Learn More" button to begin.
Career and Technical Education - Stewart Rodeheaver-Video
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Select the "View Video" button to begin.